Welcome! ¡Bienvenido!

Welcome to my blog, PocaJama! My name is Allyson, and I hope you will join me as I experience the world through food. On this blog, I will be writing reviews of different dishes from cultures around the world. If you would like, make a suggestion of a dish or a restaurant you'd like me to try, and maybe it will show up in a future post!

About Me

I am a 2nd generation Cuban-American from South Florida living in North Carolina's Triangle area.  As a child, I grew up in the kitchens of my parents and my grandmother, all excellent cooks, who truly showed me the beauty there is to be found in good food.  Since then, I have developed an affinity for virtually anything edible; if you put something in front of me, I will happily consume it down to the last crumbs.  On a serious note, I love foods from every corner of the globe and the cultures that are reflected in them.  I think that food is a window into the lives of different peoples, and a wonderful method of spreading knowledge of different places and cultures.  For this reason, I hope to spread a little joy and knowledge through a window that everyone can view.  Join me as I experience the world through food!

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